
Concise 0.3.0 Release: with 'Dead End' Collocational Network Feature

As suggested in my previous article Collocation and Interactive Collocational Network, collocational networks are networks consisting of words that co-occur in a statistically significant way in a text.  In Concise 0.2x, we introduced an interactive way to explore the co-occurencetial relationship.  Now, with Concise 0.3.x, a 'dead-end' collocational network is featured.

The 'dead-end' collocational network provides a whole picture of your fundamental 'core' word.  It keeps expanding the network until nothing left.  However, the 'core' word you're using is not exactly the 'core' of its network.

Take the upper collocational network for instance.  I was looking for the collocational network of 'farmer' (農民) among some of Council of Agriculture's (農委會) official documents.  The top five collocates (sorted by co-occurrence) are 'agriculture' (農業), 'counsel' (輔導), 'conduct' (辦理), 'promote' (推動), and 'develop' (發展).  These nodes suppose to be the central part (the 'core') of the network if documents are randomly selected.  But these official documents have very strong tendencies toward agricultural policy.  That is the reason why this dead-end network is mostly comprised of policy words.

Camilla Magnusson, in her Text Visualization for Competitive Intelligence, believes collocational network method is useful handling sequence text.  To test her theory, I put my documents into two collection by time.  The first collection ranges from 1996 to 2002; and the second collection ranges from 2003 to 2009.

Figure 1: Collocational Network of Collection 1

Figure 2: Collocational Network of Collection 2

Something interesting did show.  Figure 1 remains simple compared to the top figure, but figure 2 is much complicated.  Lots of things come together: birds flu, foot-and-mouth disease, mudslide . . . .   Of course, they are not directly related to the word 'farmer'.  But figure 2 did show the potential foci of the 2nd collection.

Magnusson may be right.  Collocational network, the text visualizational presentation did show the differences.  But does it work in the field of agriculture?  Maybe!  Maybe not!  I have not tested it.

If you are interested, the latest Concise can be found at SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/concise-text/files/



差不多食譜:手工巧克力餅乾 Chocolate Cookies

又是手工餅乾,最近一連出了兩份餅乾食譜,這個「手工巧克力餅乾」已經是第三份了。會不會有更多呢?我可以告訴大家,這是肯定的。 要怪就怪這個陰鬱的冬季雨天,哪裡都不方便去,也懶得出去。餅乾櫃空在那邊已經很久了,雖然有時候會嘴饞,但也沒有迫切去補貨的必要。反正經常開伙,平常該有的材料都會有,自己弄個成分完全透明的零食,也是個不錯的選擇。再說,用烤箱進行烘焙時,房間會變得比較乾燥,也比較溫暖。在夏天是個折磨,但到了冬天,這種感覺還滿不錯的。 話不多說,開始進行這一道「手工巧克力餅乾」的準備工作。

差不多食譜:炙燒烏魚子 Grilled Mullet Roe


