

目前顯示的是 9月, 2011的文章

差不多食譜 - 現榨檸檬汁

我兩個禮拜前在附近的果菜行,用少少的十塊錢就買到五顆檸檬。當下覺得真是划算啊!不過呢,買了之後它們就一直維持原來的狀態,只不過擺放的位置換成家裡的冰箱。擺了兩個禮拜,有一個檸檬的表皮已經開始出現不正常的狀況 (請自行想像) ,該是時候處理一下,否則就只能夠很奢侈的丟掉。苦思三秒鐘之後,我決定做現榨的檸檬汁。

【跟著我的閱讀腳步】慢慢讀桑塔格的《論攝影》- 在柏拉圖的洞穴裡(一)

蘇珊.桑塔格(Susan Sontag)《 論攝影 》( On Photography )這本書幾乎被所有的影像課程指定為必要的閱讀材料,可稱得上是一部經典作品。在很早之前,就已經有繁體與簡體的中文譯本。無奈這兩個版本似乎都有 滿多的問題 存在,讓人在各大翻譯論壇中不斷指出來。在這裡,我要和大家一起讀的《 論攝影 》,是麥田2010年的新譯本。當然,手邊也有圖書館借來1977年 On Photography 的英文版,如果中文真的太詭異,可以拿來對照著看。但是這次我們換個方式,不要一口氣讀完整本書,而是一部分一部份細細來讀,希望能想得多一點,讀得更深一點。換個說法,這次會讀得非常非常地慢。現在就讓我們開始第一章<在柏拉圖的洞穴裡>(In Plato's Cave)。

差不多食譜 - 酪梨牛奶


A Java De-flicker Class based on Donald Graft's idea

Since QuickTime for Java has been depreciated in year 2009, and JMF (Java Media Framework) has to call for external library, there is a need to search alternative way assembling Jpeg images into a QuickTime movie.  I know Time Lapse Assembler has done a excellent job at this under Mac OS X, and it is free.  But Time Lapse Assembler fails to deal with the flickering problem commonly seen in Time-Lapse videos.  As a result, I have to find a pure-java way to write QuickTime file, and to deal with the flickering problem under Mac OS X. Werner Randelshofer's Blog has a good solution writing QuickTime movies.  All I need to do myself is de-flickering.  Again, open-source resources help a lot.  Donald Graft kindly provides his source code of Deflicker Filter for VirtualDub .  We can learn his algorithm from the code. Graft's deflicker was written in C++.  However, what I need is Java.  So I re-write part of Graft's deflicker.  (Sorry, I...