Since QuickTime for Java has been depreciated in year 2009, and JMF (Java Media Framework) has to call for external library, there is a need to search alternative way assembling Jpeg images into a QuickTime movie. I know Time Lapse Assembler has done a excellent job at this under Mac OS X, and it is free. But Time Lapse Assembler fails to deal with the flickering problem commonly seen in Time-Lapse videos. As a result, I have to find a pure-java way to write QuickTime file, and to deal with the flickering problem under Mac OS X. Werner Randelshofer's Blog has a good solution writing QuickTime movies. All I need to do myself is de-flickering. Again, open-source resources help a lot. Donald Graft kindly provides his source code of Deflicker Filter for VirtualDub . We can learn his algorithm from the code. Graft's deflicker was written in C++. However, what I need is Java. So I re-write part of Graft's deflicker. (Sorry, I...