我一直覺得優秀的資料視覺化讓凸顯重點,同時也更加有趣。讀了Jonathan Feinberg被收錄在Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data Through the Eyes of Experts (簡體中文版本《數據可視化之美:通過專家的眼光洞察數據》)裡的Wordle以後,這樣的感覺更加強烈。
BY NOW, EVEN PEOPLE who have never heard of "information visualization" are familiar with the colorful word collage known as Wordle, "the gateway drug to textual analysis." Like any such drug, Wordle was designed for pleasure, although its roots lie in the utilitarian tag clouds popularized by such sites as del.icio.us and Flickr.
--- Jonathan Feinberg
相信很多人多玩過Wordle,或看過類似的文字雲(Word Clouds)。這類將文本視覺化的軟體,透過字體大小將出現頻率高的詞凸顯了出來,並透過創意的排列方式讓畫面變得更加有趣。
感謝Stephan Schwiebert的卓越貢獻,讓Eclipse GEF Zest toolkit擁有一個SWT-based標籤雲的視覺化元件。藉著這個名為Cloudio的小玩意,我也讓下個版本的Concise擁有文字雲的視覺化功能,就像是Wordle那樣。
不過,如同Jonathan Feinberg所坦承的,鑲嵌在Concise裡的Word Clouds也和Wordle一樣,在顏色的劃分上頭並沒有意義。儘管使用者可以自行指定色彩與字型,但是在Cloudio當中還沒有依據加權條件去指定色彩。目前我也還沒想到要怎麼改,或許等到下一個版本吧!
至於Word Clouds的實際用途,對Wordle的觀察可以視為一個參照的基準。Fernanda B. Viégas, Martin Wattenberg, and Jonathan Feinberg在Participatory visualization with Wordle一文中,檢視了使用者對Wordle的感覺:
Agree % | Neutral % | Disagree % | |
I felt creative | 88 | 9 | 4 |
I felt an emotional reaction | 66 | 22 | 12 |
I learned something new about the text | 63 | 24 | 13 |
It confirmed my understanding of the text | 57 | 33 | 10 |
It jogged my memory | 50 | 35 | 15 |
The Wordle confused me | 5 | 9 | 86 |
對我來說,Word Clouds提供了一種好玩文本探索的方式,比單純去檢視表格要來得有趣多了。下一步,我將在這個版本的Concise裡頭,試著去呈現文字間的網絡關係。