
Concise 0.3.0 Preview

  • Lucene-based search library
  • Concise Workspace
  • Search Suggestion
  • Collocation: Surface mode and Textual mode

Lucene-based search library

Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform. 

Lucene is used as Concise-core Library's indexing engine.  Most of Concise functions work with those index data.  The Concise-core Library (0.3.0) will release as an open source project after debugging.

However, source code of Concise App (GUI application) is kept in private.  You can still download and use it freely.  Although Concise App is written in SWT and Java, now it only works on Mac OS X.  

Concise-core Library運用Lucene作為它的索引引擎,大部份的Concise功能都仰賴這些索引資料。Concise-core Library (0.3.0)將在除錯後釋出成為開源專案。

但是,Concise App(圖形界面應用程式)則保留原始碼的所有權。然而您仍可自由地持續下載並使用它。雖說Concise App是用SWT與Java寫成的,現在卻僅能在Mac OS X下運行。

Concise Workspace

A workspace keeps everything Concise App needs, including index files, log, and database (to store query results).  But Concise App does NOT copy your original documents into workspace.  In most cases, Concise App does not need those original documents.  For safety reasons, you'd better keep original documents. Just in case!

工作空間儲存了Concise App所需要的各種東西,包括索引檔案、系統紀錄、以及用來儲存搜尋結果的資料庫。但Concise App並沒有將您的原始檔案複製到空做空間中。在多數情況中,Concise App並不需要您的原始檔案。但為了保險起見,您最好保留這些原始檔案。以防萬一!

Search Suggestion

With Lucene's suggest API, search suggestion is now presented. 

應用Lucene的suggest API,Concise App現在提供搜尋建議。

Collocation: Surface mode and Textual mode

Two difference modes of collocation computation are presented in Concise 0.3.0.  With the coming of textual mode, statistical association measurements are enabled in this version.  Details are described on Concise Feature: 表面式共現與文本式共現 Surface Cooccurrence and Textual Cooccurrence.

兩種不同的詞語搭配計算模式呈現在Concise 0.3.0中。文本模式的出現,讓這個版本能去計算統計上的相關測量。細節描述請參考Concise Feature: 表面式共現與文本式共現 Surface Cooccurrence and Textual Cooccurrence

Still working on Concise App...

A preview version of Concise App (0.3.0) is able to download at SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/projects/concise-text/files/



差不多食譜:手工巧克力餅乾 Chocolate Cookies

又是手工餅乾,最近一連出了兩份餅乾食譜,這個「手工巧克力餅乾」已經是第三份了。會不會有更多呢?我可以告訴大家,這是肯定的。 要怪就怪這個陰鬱的冬季雨天,哪裡都不方便去,也懶得出去。餅乾櫃空在那邊已經很久了,雖然有時候會嘴饞,但也沒有迫切去補貨的必要。反正經常開伙,平常該有的材料都會有,自己弄個成分完全透明的零食,也是個不錯的選擇。再說,用烤箱進行烘焙時,房間會變得比較乾燥,也比較溫暖。在夏天是個折磨,但到了冬天,這種感覺還滿不錯的。 話不多說,開始進行這一道「手工巧克力餅乾」的準備工作。

差不多食譜:炙燒烏魚子 Grilled Mullet Roe


