
Concise: A Simple and Clear Concordance Software for Chinese

After couples of days hard working, I can now introduce CONCISE: A Simple and Clear Concordance Software. Definitions from dictionary states that Concise means "giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive." That is the way the software Concise works--giving only necessary and important information, such as concordance, collocates, word clusters, and words list.

Concise is a simple and clear concordance software on Mac OS X, works well with Chinese (中文) tokens. However, the Chinese Tokenizer was **NOT** included in this version. There are still too many problems to tokenize Chinese sentences. Concise does only concordance analysis, collocation analysis, word clusters, word list, and generate collocational network data so fat.

  • Simple and Clear
  • Working well with Chinese
  • Supporting concordance analysis, collocation analysis, word clusters, and words list
  • Generating Collocational Network data

Further works:
  • output query results to text and Microsoft Excel format.
  • keyword analysis (comparing with another corpus)
  • Chinese Tokenizer (perhaps)

Concise is developed entirely by JAVA and SWT. Hopefully, Concise will be able to run on multiple platforms. Nonetheless, I am not going to release Concise right now. So, let's wait and see.

Screen Shot #1: Concordance

Screen Shot #2:Words List

Screen Shot #3:Generating Collocational Network Data

There is also a sample visualized collocational network (node word is 強震[strong earthquake]).  This work is a description of Japan Earthquake on March 11th, 2011.  Data were collected from news service at Yahoo! Taiwan among March 11th to April 11th, 2011.  See Descriptions of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami News Reports (日本地震海嘯新聞事件的時間描述, in Chinese) and News Analysis of Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Crisis (日本地震與核輻射新聞報導, in Chinese) for details.

Collocational Network 強震(2)

Collocational Network 強震



差不多食譜:手工巧克力餅乾 Chocolate Cookies

又是手工餅乾,最近一連出了兩份餅乾食譜,這個「手工巧克力餅乾」已經是第三份了。會不會有更多呢?我可以告訴大家,這是肯定的。 要怪就怪這個陰鬱的冬季雨天,哪裡都不方便去,也懶得出去。餅乾櫃空在那邊已經很久了,雖然有時候會嘴饞,但也沒有迫切去補貨的必要。反正經常開伙,平常該有的材料都會有,自己弄個成分完全透明的零食,也是個不錯的選擇。再說,用烤箱進行烘焙時,房間會變得比較乾燥,也比較溫暖。在夏天是個折磨,但到了冬天,這種感覺還滿不錯的。 話不多說,開始進行這一道「手工巧克力餅乾」的準備工作。

差不多食譜:白糖粿 Beh Teung Guai 傳統小吃版的台式吉拿棒 Taiwanese Churros

只要有個油炸鍋,將糯米糰炸到表面金黃,裹上白糖,居家版「白糖粿」意外的簡單。 說到這「白糖粿」,就算在台灣土生土長,還是有很多人沒聽過這個點心。要不是它在網路上掀起熱門討論,恐怕到現在也只有老饕知道去哪裡解饞。但現在「差不多食譜」把它搬到回家,讓你在家裡也能自己做來吃。 至於怎麼跟外國朋友介紹,其實困擾了我一陣子。腦子裡根本沒有對應的東西,它很像年糕、麻糬、湯圓,實際上材料也一樣,但做法上的差異卻讓白糖粿又不同於上述那些食物。最後,看到西方的吉拿棒(churro),在做法和吃法上都很類似白糖粿,兩者都是弄成長條油炸,然後裹上糖粉食用。這樣,姑且就把它稱做台式的吉拿棒好了,英文除了音譯的Beh Teung Guai以外,就直翻成 Taiwanese Churros。不同於台北東區賣吉拿棒的 Street Curros,這可是道道地地 Taiwan Street Curros,而且好像只有南部限定喔!說太多了,直接看做法。

差不多食譜:炙燒烏魚子 Grilled Mullet Roe
